Thursday, May 28, 2009

Easy Does It

Hello everyone, today is a nice warm sunny day, work is nuts lately where still playing catch up there, but I'll be fine, my foot is feeling alot better today, much less pain the cortizone shot works wonders let me tell you, sports players get them when they have bad pain also,I have my foot up alot so I can relax it, I'm trying really hard to accomplish my goals but it's not so easy being that I'm such a laid back person and I can be passive on certain things, but I must admit I am setting out to do what I want to do, and I don't have anyone in my way not my dad no one, it feels really great and I don't feel as stressed as I was a few weeks ago, I'm not yelling at my dad as much lol, he can make you crazy and I'm not kidding either, but I guess most parents drive there children insane lol, and today I seen good old Mr. Fish Lips on the train again yeah you remember him from my earlier blogs he was the guy that threw his vodka bottle across the train cart yeah him lol, well he was actually calm and laughing to himself today and of course why not he sat in front of me just my luck right,and of course he had his bottle of vodka with him and I was like oh no here we go again he's gonna throw it, but no he looked right at me and he saluted me with his bottle lol, I actually thought it was funny so he smiled and got off on the next stop, nothing like a happy drunk lol.

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