Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I Wish

Hello everyone, it's tuesday morning and I can feel the sweltering heat already, it's going to be 95 degrees today and humid, I'm totally not looking foward to it, I just want to stay home plop on my couch and run the air conditioner all day and night for that matter, but I can't do that things have to be done, I wish I would hot the lottery or come into some money, I would then buy a house and live like a king, and I would never work again, I know most people that win the lottery continue to work but not me, call me lazy or whatever you want but come on nobody like to work, it's just not fun, the same dreaded boring job day after day the job never changes, it's always the same routine, I really do hate working I'm not going to lie about that, it doesn't fill me or do anything for me, it doesn't make me happy, it's a daily chore, the only thing that would give me any happiness is working in the music industry, even if it's working in the mail room of the building anything just to get my foot in the door would make me happy, music is the love of my life if you want to know the truth, I turn to it when I'm happy, sad or alone, it's a hell of alot better then turning to drugs or alcohol like some people do, I really think I would be numb without music, I really mean that. http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/CharlesSagona

1 comment:

  1. Some days I just love reading your posts. It is like talking to you in person. Ramble on my friend.
