Saturday, June 6, 2009

Rant, Rant, Rant

Hello everyone, today again it's rainy and cool out in the first week of june go figure, today work was pretty busy we made cakes for some corporation party, we made 10 cheese cakes and 10 chocolate moose cakes and 200 chocolate dipped cannolis, yeah that wasn't to bad, we have fun doing what we do. then when I come home my father is gone to work thank God, I literally want to kill my father, he is the biggest slob in the history of men, there's dishes in the sink a frying pan, glasses, there's pancake mix on the rug in the dining room now please tell me how did he manage to get pancake mix from the kitchen to the dining room, granted there right next to each other but come on now give me freakin' break already, and the garbage God forbid he pushes it down no that's just to much of an effort for him, its piled up to the sky with some of it on the floor, helloooooooo can somebody please put a gun to my head and end my misery, and who do you think had to clean all this wonderfull mess up yes ladies and gentlemen your's truly I know your all so shocked lol, is it really that hard for someone to clean a dish of pick up after yourself when your done eating or clean up your pancake mix if you drop it on the floor lol, well apparantly so because the numbnuts that lives with me with can't seem to why should he, he has his slave son do it for him, well that's my rant today.

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