Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fun Pranks At Work

Hello everyone, today is a dark, rainy, gloomy day in nyc, work was good today me and the guys didn't have much to do so we just sat there and talked about all of the tom foolery we've done to each other over the years lol, you know silly pranks like them taking my cd player when I first started working there and hiding it behind the toilet, or putting salt in my co workers coffee and the always fun garbage can trick, let me explain when you put in a new garbage bag in the can you cut the bottom off it clip it with a large paper clip and tie it to the handle and whoever lifts up the garbage will get a nice suprise when it goes all over the floor, ahhh yes I know were so nice to each other but everything is done in good fun, no one gets mad about it we just laugh at the person who is getting pranked against, at least a few times a year a new antic happens at my job I can only imagine who is next, the truth is we all love each other eventhough we come from such different places and backgrounds, we do this when work get hectic and we need to have a good laugh and of course always around the holiday times christmas time mostly this is done because that's when it's the busiest at the bakery, but I do realize the fun times are gonna end at the bakery eventually because I have a feeling I'm gonna get callled for a better job really soon.

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